Yoga is demanding on the wrist as it requires a lot of weight-bearing, flexibility and strength. Here is a guide to returning to yoga after suffering a wrist injury.
Returning to sports after a wrist injury can be a challenge. Yoga is demanding on the wrist as it requires a lot of weight-bearing, flexibility and strength. Tanya Coats is here to help ensure a speedier and pain-free return to Yoga.
Range of Motion
After a wrist injury, you may have reduced range of motion of the wrist into extension. This can make trying to get your hand into the right position difficult. Stretching exercises throughout the day and prior to yoga can be helpful. Longer stretches are more effective than shorter ones. Try to bend your wrist back until you feel a pull or slight discomfort and hold even up to a few minutes at a time.
A folded blanket or small towel can reduce pressure through the wrist. Place the blanket/towel just under the heel of your hands. This reduces the amount of wrist extension required. Best to do this with both hands to maintain balance.
Use a block instead of placing your hands on the floor so you can cup your hands of the side of the block again to eliminate the need for greater wrist extension.
There are many positions you can complete without placing pressure through your wrist or adopt a plank positon instead where you rest on your forearms.
Weakness and imbalance in the muscles can cause overloading through the wrist and hand. You not only need strength in your wrist and hand, but in your forearm, upper arm, and shoulders to maintain correct alignment and technique. Proprioception can also be reduced when you have an injury.
Exercises using weights, theraband, slosh pipes and powerballs can help to improve stability and strength to prepare you for Yoga. A hand therapist can design a program specifically for you.

Ensure you have the right technique. Your instructor will be able to guide you during the session. Be aware of keep your shoulders above your wrists in a straight line.
Don’t put too much weight through the heel of your hands and let you hand go into a ‘cupped’ shape. Instead flatten your hands onto the mat, and push your fingers down. This de-loads the wrist joint and places more even pressure through the hand, wrist and forearm.
Use a thin mat on a hard surface. Whilst a soft surface may seem like it would be better for your wrist, you are more likely to sink into them causing more loading through the wrist joint.
Article Reference: Hand Therapy Group