Tanya Coats Occupational Therapy

The Effect of Electronic Cigarettes on Hand Microcirculation

Effects of Vaping - Hand Microcirculation

What are the effects of eCigarettes on hand microcirculation?

Smoking conventional cigarettes reduces peripheral microcirculation leading to worse outcomes after hand surgery. Patients are increasingly using electronic cigarettes (eCigarettes); however, there is no published research investigating the effects of eCigarettes on hand microcirculation.


Fifteen healthy subjects with a median age of 26 years were recruited: 7 smokers and 8 nonsmokers. A noninvasive O2C laser Doppler probe measured a baseline control reading at deep (7-mm) and superficial (3-mm) levels. Participants commenced a 5-minute smoking protocol of nonnicotine (0-mg) eCigarettes with continuous microcirculation measurements during smoking and for 20 minutes afterward. This was repeated with nicotine (24-mg) eCigarettes. Readings were averaged over 5-minute periods and standardized as a percentage of baseline. A linear mixed-effects model with an unstructured covariance structure was used to analyze the data.


Smokers had a statistically significant reduction in hand microcirculation during and up to 20 minutes after smoking a 24-mg eCigarette. There was a maximum reduction of 77% in superficial flow and 29% in deep flow. After smoking a 0-mg eCigarette, smokers demonstrated an increase in superficial flow of up to 70% with no change in deep flow. Nonsmokers had no statistically significant change in superficial or deep flow after smoking either eCigarette.


A 24-mg eCigarette significantly reduced smokers’ hand microcirculation during and after smoking. Microcirculation increased in smokers after inhalation of a 0-mg eCigarette.

Clinical relevance

We advise smokers undergoing hand surgery to avoid high-dose eCigarettes and, if necessary, to use 0-mg eCigarettes as an alternative.

Article Reference: Journal of Hand Surgey

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