Tanya Coats Occupational Therapy

How to Remove a Stuck Ring Safely

A stuck ring can simply be the result of wearing a ring that’s too small. It can also be caused from arthritis of joints, which can happen as your body changes over the years. This can cause the joints and/or tissue to swell, which prevents you from removing your ring.

When you can’t simply slide your ring off, try these steps for safely removing a ring:

  1. Squirt some Windex – yes Windex – on the finger and ring. Or, use any lubricant such as soap or oil.
  2. Elevate the hand overhead for 5-10 minutes with ice around the ring and finger.
  3. Use dental floss or a thread to compress the swollen finger as shown: 
Ring Stuck on Finger

a. Slip the thread or floss under the stuck ring with the bulk of it toward the fingertip.

Ring Stuck on Finger

b. Beginning at the top of the ring, snuggly wrap the finger with the thread/floss around and around, compressing the finger, all the way up and over the knuckle.

Ring stuck on finger

c. With the end that was under the ring, begin to unwrap the thread or floss with the ring sliding over the knuckle as you go.

*If all else fails, cut the ring off with a ring cutter found in jewelry stores, fire departments and emergency rooms.

Please feel free to contact me if you need assistance.

Article Reference: ASSH

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